
Saturday 15 December 2012

In the pink....

At this time of year, I like to cheer myself up by knitting something bright and pretty.  Here's a blanket that fits the bill.  I'm using pale peach and cream dk wool knitted together on 6mm needles.  Even the dark pink colour of the needle tips makes me smile.

The blanket is turning out beautifully soft and is a great way to use up some peach wool that I bought a year ago.  It is proper "baby wool" but, since buying it, I have seen several comments that peach is not a recommended colour for baby clothes. Apparently, it doesn't look good against the skin of a preemie baby or even a full-term baby who may be jaundiced.  But I think it will be welcome as a cot blanket in a cold country.  I'm determined that this blanket will end up with a charity.  I must break the habit of falling in love with my knitted blankets so much that I can't bring myself to give them away!

This blanket has more or less designed itself.  I had varying amounts of different shades of peach and cream and have really enjoyed blending them into stripes.  I'm going to pull the whole thing together by adding a cream border.  I haven't chosen the exact border pattern yet.  I might be adventurous and attempt a crochet edging.  The blanket has been a "quick knit" as it is simply a large square knitted diagonally in garter stitch.  So taking a bit longer adding a special edging will be time well spent.

1 comment:

  1. Your blanket is going to be beautiful, I love the pretty shades you have chosen. I'm the same I fall in love with the blankets I make too and although I have given most away to charity I am starting to keep a few for my granny drawer.. you never know one day haha


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