
Friday 18 January 2013

Grow your blog...


Hello everyone.  I am taking part in the Grow Your Blog promotion that I came across on the 2 Bags Full blog.  

My name is Una and I live in London, England.  I have a hectic life and value my hobby time.  I used to have a gardening blog but ran out of things to say about my postage stamp size garden.  I enjoyed blogging and missed the social side of it.  So when I took up knitting recently, I saw an opportunity to start blogging again.

I created my Great Balls of Wool blog in December 2012.  It was really just intended to be a record of my knitting projects.  But I secretly hoped that other people would see it and leave comments.  I have had quite a few comments already.  You will be relieved to know that, even though I moderate comments, I don't require people to complete those annoying captcha boxes.  I always read and publish comments really quickly.

My computer skills range from basic to average.  I used one of the Blogger templates and changed it around a little.  I'm especially proud of the photo that I took of balls of wool.

I saw a blog where someone recommended  Picmonkey as a free photo editing website.  In just a few minutes I managed to turn my photo into a good heading for my blog.  It cheers me up every time I see it and I just want to stroke the wool.  Eventually, of course, I will use up this wool and the photo will bring back memories of whatever I make.

In my blog I concentrate on describing whatever knitting (and maybe crochet) projects I am currently working on.   I have been amazed at the statistics provided by Blogger.  According to them I have had 848 page views from visitors in the UK, USA, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, Spain, France, Greece, Guatemala, and Kuwait.  Considering I only started my blog last month, I find that very inspiring.

I love reading other blogs on craft topics and have already chosen some to follow.  I have been really impressed by the variety of blog designs and content.  I am looking forward to discovering more great blogs very soon.

Thank you for reading...


  1. Welcome to the knitting blogosphere! I look forward to seeing lots more from you!

  2. Loved reading about you. Thanks for the tip about Picmonkey - it could help me improve my header. x

  3. Good luck with Grow Your Blog!

    I just discovered Picmonkey last month and love it, too. Nice work on your new header!

  4. Lovely to read this Una, I think you are doing really well with your blog, you have designed it very nicely, I'm useless at that sort of thing. This grow your blog is a great idea I would have joined in but discovered it after the sign up date. have a lovely weekend and keep warm,the snow is falling heavily up here just now. xx

  5. ps I know what you mean about the word verification I hate it too, it sometimes takes me several attempts to leave a comment it's very off putting.

  6. Hi, lovely to meet you. Looking forward to reading about your exploits

  7. Looking forward to your postings as I enjoy my morning tea!

  8. Hi Una, nice to meet you and your blog. I too live in London and enjoy knitting (plus other needlecrafts). I loved reading about your knitting on your previous posts.

  9. Yea another knitter. Please stop by DreamChallenge and view some of my handy work. Only God could make a knitter out of this type A personality Italian. Love the picture. Jan

  10. Hi Una, glad I found your blog through GYB party. Looking forward reading more about your adventures in knitting.
    Thanks for the Picmonkey tip, I will have to check it out!
    Have a great weekend!

  11. Woo Hoo!!! A knitter! Me too. And I do some other things as well. But when I opened to your blog, I knew immediately I would be following.

    I don't blog as much about my knitting as I would like. You will be my inspiration.


  12. Hi there! You might want to check out to showcase your work.

    Visiting from Grow Your Blog hop.

    Give me a visit some time ~

  13. I knit, too! However, it's been awhile! I'm sure I'll be inspired to pick up my needles after I read more of your blog.

    Stop by and visit me when you get a chance.

  14. I love your blog title (especially in light of my recent woolly mishap). :)

    Good luck with the blog. You're off to a great start in terms of page views and comments - it took me the best part of a year to get anything more than a comment or two per post.

    Lucky you to live in London - I have had the privilege of visiting your wonderful city three times and am always longing to return.

    Thanks so much for visiting and following my blog. :)

  15. Hi Una,
    Stopping on by via the GYBP event. Always nice to meet a fellow knitter.
    Enjoyed my visit to your lovely blog.

  16. And now a visit from a fellow knitter in Australia! Good luck with growing your blog.

  17. I'm following your blog from 2BagsFull. I hope that you will stop by and visit my blog www.everydayruralty. You did a great job with your header on picmonkey. I have used that site a number of times and I really like it.

  18. I like your blog good job! I live in the american Southwest. I'm following your blog I saw it on 2 bags fulls blog party.

  19. Stopped by for a peak! Love the pink baby blanket! Great work! Looking forward to seeing more!

  20. Hi Una,

    I enjoyed reading your blog. I am mostly a quilter and smocker. I have tried knitting but can mostly just do scarves. I am from Texas ~ come on over and see me And thanks for the tip about pic monkey


  21. Hello Una - I am here from 2 bags full.

    Thanks for the info about picmonkey. I am going to check it out. Love your banner, I can see why you want to pet it. ;)

    I am getting back into knitting because I will be a grandma soon. I want to supply my precious girl with jumpers and such.

    I lived in England for about 5 years. We were in Levington which is near Felixstowe. I have LOTS of good memories from there.

  22. Hello Una, I found your blog thanks to Vicki's idea. It sounds good to read about another retired woman who is always busy and in a hurry!! Welcome on board. You've done a good job with your photos. I always struggle with some technical details, but we are still able to learn, aren't we? I look forward to your next post.

  23. Enjoyed visiting your blog. Love your knitting projects. I've become a follower of your blog and look forward to returning often.

    blessings, denise :D

  24. Visiting via Vicki's GYB Party and have some yarn giveaways on my blog on the GYB post.

  25. Hello!
    New follower here!
    Nice work!
    Love your knitting!

  26. HI!Nice to meet you! I will now follow!!!!Come check my blog!

  27. I'm really enjoying reading all about your knitting projects. I am always looking for new ways to wade through instructions, so I'll be back!!
    Check out my blog, I'm growing wool at my place. lol

  28. Hi Una, it is so nice to meet you! Gosh this blog party Grow Your Blog has been so much fun... and it's still going on! Maybe I'm crazy but I am trying to get to everyone's blogs ... time will tell! LOL! I love your knitting and look forward to reading many more posts on your projects. I knit but crocheting I do much better. I also do lots of other crafts that kind of cycle through my life by the season or mood or some other unknown inspiration, lol!
    I am your newest follower by the way and will be back for a proper visit once the party finishes or I get exhausted, which ever comes first:D
    Beth P

  29. It's so nice to meet you and see all your wonderful projects! This party has been a great way to find folks with similar interests. And I must tell you that I visited London last year (it's on my blog:-) and loved it! Hope you'll stop by and visit me sometime.


  30. Its good to meet you at the blog party. I love knitting but limit my time at it due to overuse syndrome.

  31. Hi Una Glad to find you through the party. I've enjoyed my visit to your blog. I learnt to crochet last year. Your scarf is lovely :)

  32. Hello Una

    How lovely to meet you via our dear friend Vicki's Grow Your Blog Party!
    Isn't she just the kindest person in blogland.
    You started blogging at the right time!!!

    It's ages since I did any knitting, but when the weather gets cooler I'm going to knit a pretty scarf for Vicki's "Pink Scarf Project"!!!

    I'm your newest follower - and look forward to following your adventures in knitting - hoping I can pick up some tips too!

    Una I do hope you'll pop over and see me too and enter my GYB Giveaway!
    Enjoy the party.
    Shane ♥


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