
Friday 25 January 2013

My first crochet scarf......

I am ridiculously pleased with my first ever crochet scarf.  I have wanted to learn to crochet since my school days when I used to watch the other girls making hair nets for their buns which were very fashionable then.  The women in my family were great knitters and I soon learned that skill.  But nobody knew how to crochet.  I felt a bit hard done by, but life moved on and I forgot about it.

Last year I suddenly found myself with time on my hands and picked up a crochet hook again.  Progress was extremely slow.  But I was determined to learn.  I even went on a 2 hour course at my local wool shop which was a waste of time as there were 6 of us and the  tutor was also serving customers as they came in.  So I concentrated on reading books and online articles about crochet.  I could see all the lovely work that other crafters do and wanted to be like them.  When I set my mind to something, I usually do it....eventually.

Then I saw this free ribbed scarf pattern advertised.  I spent ages reading the pattern and the forum comments and then crocheted a couple of small samples until I was satisfied that I could do it.

This week I was virtually snowed in and spent 3 days slowly following the pattern.  I can thoroughly recommend it to crocheters of all abilities.  I have now started a stripy one to use up various oddments and I am already thinking about the next scarf.  I sense the beginnings of an addiction.  But that's OK because all these scarves will be destined for a charity somewhere.


  1. Una - I know just how you feel - isn't it wonderful to learn a new craft? Well done - it is lovely.

  2. OOh it looks lovely Una - congratulations - what an ambitious scarf starting project! Its great when you learn something new - I started less than a year ago and am loving it!
    Looking forward to hearing more of your hooking adventures!

  3. Well done, I've taught a couple of people to crochet recently and one of them is churning out stuff - she's certainly got the bug! I've been asked by my local wool shop to do a class - but the number of people has grown to about 10! Not sure if I could manage that! I'll have to look at your pattern and have a go to bust some more stash i think!

  4. Wooo Hoooo-- Well done. Once you have cracked it there is no looking back. I am totally addicted to my hook and it is rarely far from my side.

  5. The scarf is beautifully done! Good for you for figuring out crochet. I can only do single crochet, and only then if I watch a YouTube tutorial first!

  6. Well done it looks great. Good luck with addiction...I'm with you

  7. Well done! The scarf looks great :)
    I love the feeling you get when you're finally able to do something that you've struggled with in the past. I've just learned how to double crochet and I'm so proud of myself as I never thought I'd get the hang of it.

  8. I'm popping in to say "hello".I am also retired and into knitting and crochet in a big way.Crochet blankets ,socks,lacy scarves and shawls are my interests.I can't just sit and watch the TV ,my hands have to be busy too.

  9. Hi Una! Your scarf is lovely, I adore that ribbed look! I am assuming you know about YouTube? There are tons of video instructions on how to do different stitches, how to make an entire project and so on... and it's all free! Can't get better than that plus it is one on one, no customers to distract the teacher and you can stop and start the video as well as back it up if you need to go over something again. I mean seriously girlfriend, it doesn't get any better than that! :D This is the link to my favorite teacher at YouTube - she teaches in English and I think it is German. Most of her videos are done in both languages and she has some beautiful and unique stitches. She teaches both crochet and knitting. Maybe this will help you some...
    Hugs one of your new friends from the GYB party,
    Beth P

  10. Yes - another crocheter is born! (Isn't it nice that you can drop the hook without a passel of stitches pulling loose?)

    The scarf looks wonderful, and I'm sure there will be many more to come.

  11. Itlooks really good. I would never have guessed that it was a first attempt.

  12. Lovely scarf and welcome to the wolrd of crochet :) I taught myself to crochet a couple of years ago with YouTube. I'm working on my knitting at the moment but that is taking me much long to pick up! xx


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