
Wednesday 9 January 2013

Third time lucky....

The saga of Daughter's jumper continues.  I have now finished the front and back....woo hoo!  I started a sleeve on Sunday and luckily, as it turned out, decided not to knit both at the same time.  Since the wool is Aran and the needles are size 5.5 mm, the ribbed cuff knitted up very quickly.  Then is all went wrong....and wrong again.  

The pattern is basically a raised rib with yarn overs and slipped stitches on either side to give a bit of lacy detail.  All very lovely and pretty until it comes to increasing on every 11th row.  Increasing a lacy pattern is extremely difficult.  I've been there, done that and nearly thrown the jumper out of the window.  On my first attempt I reached row 25 of the pattern and realised I had lost a stitch somewhere.  I ripped the knitting back to row 22 as I knew I had the correct number of stitches there.  Ripping back and picking up a lacy pattern is not the easiest thing to do.

On my second attempt I managed to reach row 35 of the pattern and still had the correct number of stitches.   But this involved knitting VERY slowly and constantly counting.  Even so, I didn't like the way the lacy increases were looking.  I don't mind putting effort into something worthwhile.  But when I put effort into something and it looks like a dog's dinner, then I mind very much.

I have set myself a deadline of finishing this jumper by the end of January.  Daughter is excited about wearing it while winter is still here, and I want to get on with other projects.  So I did something I rarely do.  I admitted defeat.  I couldn't face at least another hundred rows of this pattern on sleeve one and then repeating the experience on sleeve two.  So I explained everything to Daughter and she was more than happy for me to make some changes.

The photo shows my third and hopefully final attempt at the sleeve.  I ripped it back to the cuff and am now simply knitting it in stocking stitch with a pattern panel up the centre of the sleeve.  I've reached row 41 and it's looking good.  The increases are working like a dream and I can get into a steady knitting rhythm.  I can at last see the light at the end of the tunnel.

This pattern is obviously doable as there is a photo of the finished jumper on it.  All I can say is I feel great sympathy for the person who had to knit it, as well as a great deal of admiration.


  1. Ugh. I hate having to rip back lace. I know a lot of knitters who use a "lifeline" while they're knitting difficult lace projects. Essentially, when you get to a critical row in the pattern, you use a darning needle to thread a contrast thread through your stitches. And, you can remove it and replace it as you go. But, it an emergency situation, you can rip back to your lifeline, and guarantee all your stitches will be there, and you'll know exactly which row you need to start from.

    1. That's a very good idea. I will remember it next time I tackle a difficult pattern.

  2. Hi Una
    I think I know why you're having trouble. Is the pattern by Drops Design? If it is, this is a Norwegian company and the pattern is written in Norwegian style. I lived in Norway many years ago and found their knitting patterns quite different from English ones.. Our patterns explain everything quite explicitly, whereas Norwegian patterns tend to give you a guide as to what to do and are much more vague. You have to study the pattern and try to understand what is going on before you knit, rather than follow the pattern row by row, stitch by stitch which is what we're used to.

    I had a look at some of Drops Design's patterns recently on Ravelry and they look lovely but they're all written in this cryptic way. So well done for getting this far, and I hope your garment turns out fine in the end.

    By the way where did you get your big balls of Aran yarn? I've been on the lookout for some.

  3. Thanks for your comment, Puppet Lady. Yes, it is a Drops design pattern. I have been coming to the conclusion that it was translated by a computer, so it was interesting to read about the different Norwegian style of writing. I eventually worked out the pattern, but only because I am a reasonably accomplished knitter. I don't think I will attempt another of their patterns. By the way, the Aran wool came from a little wool shop near me in Eltham, London. I think Ebay has similar wool for sale as well.


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