
Saturday 9 February 2013

Follow me on Bloglovin'

Follow on Bloglovin   Last month I took part in the very successful "Grow your blog" party that was generously hosted by Vicki at the 2 bags full blog.  As a result, I gained most of my 50 followers and also found many blogs that I wanted to follow.  My list is constantly growing as there are so many lovely crafting blogs.  I have added links to most of them on my home page and check them regularly for updates.  But it was starting to get a little unwieldy.

I  like the simple life and so I tried  Bloglovin' as a way to keep track of updated blogs.  They send me a daily email that lists all my chosen blogs that have been updated.  This meets my needs completely.  There is also an option to receive an email every time one of the blogs I follow has a new posting.  But I didn't opt for that as the amount of emails would be overwhelming.

I don't usually advertise other websites so blatantly and I have found that many other bloggers already know about Bloglovin' .  But some don't and I can definitely recommend this as a site worth looking at.

I love having followers and have added various ways for people to do that.  Now anyone who uses Bloglovin' can choose to follow me that way by clicking on the widget above or on the left hand side of my home page.


  1. I'm not sure how differnt this is to the bloggers readers list already on blogspot, which updates constantly - except that you receive even more emails! I read them from the list - being choosy - when I have a moment to spare. Enjoy reading yours. x

    1. The reading list on my blogspot dashboard would be perfect if it sent me a daily email. I just seem to forget to look at it. I only get one email a day from Bloglovin', so I'm happy with that.

  2. You can order the blogs on your blog list to show the most recently updated too. I find it quite easy to see the latest posts from that, but may also try Bloglovin'. I would love to increase my number of followers, but it does take a bit of time and effort!

    1. Brilliant!! Thank you. I've done that now. It would have saved me a lot of time this morning if I'd realised.

  3. I had wondered what Bloglovin' was ... thanks for the explanation!


  4. Hello!
    Popping in from the Ravelry blog train :-)

    I recently joined Bloglovin', it's very neat, isn't it?

    Have a lovely day!
    Sarah x


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