
Wednesday 29 May 2013

2 kiddy scarves...

One of the charities I knit for is Operation Orphan which is an organisation that distributes warm clothing to children in Central and Eastern Europe.  They recently put out an appeal for small scarves to fit 0-5 year olds.  I had the perfect wool ...a ball of pink and another ball of green.  To these I added some coned yarn that I am trying to use up.  In odd spare moments I rushed out two scarves to go into a parcel that is now full and ready for posting.

This is my favourite scarf knitting pattern as it is reversible and very warm.  I can't remember where I got the pattern from, so thanks go to the original author.

Basically here it is:
Double knitting wool and size 4mm knitting needles.
First row k3, p3 to the end.
Second row k1, p1 to the end.

For this child's scarf I cast on 33 stitches and knitted until it was about 40" long. One 100g ball of yarn was enough for one scarf.  I even had a little left over which would be nice for the brim of a hat.


  1. Una.. Your scarves are lovely. I am so happy to tell you that you have won my Giveaway. Could you please email me your address so that I can sen my parcel off to you.
    Thank you so much for joining in the fun and I am so glad you have won as you do so much for others. I think you serve a treat.
    Love linda

  2. These are very nice scarves. I am sure they will be much-loved.

  3. Una - I'd really like to help out with this worthy charity! I had a look at the website you linked to, but I can't see anything about sending knitted items (what's required or where to send) - unless I've missed it?

    Can you let me know where and what to send?

    1. Hats, scarves, mittens, socks, coats, large blankets can be sent to:
      Operation Orphan
      c/o Big Yellow
      20 Lenton Lane
      NG7 2NR

      Big Yellow generously gives free storage space to this charity.

  4. Love those scarves Una I'm going to make some too but they will probably be crochet, once I have finished some of the wips! :)


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