
Tuesday 30 July 2013

Three more kiddy scarves....

it's been too hot to knit, but my fingers were itching to make something.  It's a long time since I did any crochet, so I picked up my favourite hook and produced these three children's scarves.  The pattern works up very quickly and is here.  I think I made all three in less than two weeks..  Knitting them would definitely have taken much longer.

I had quite a lot of 4 ply yarn in dark colours.  They were mainly single balls of each colour and not easy to use up.  So I combined them to make these scarves of roughly dk weight.  It's the first time I have ever crocheted with 2 yarns together, so that was a milestone in my crochet journey.

For the top scarf I used a ball of navy blue yarn  together with lots of oddments to make the stripes.  I'm really pleased with the way it turned out.  When I have enough oddments, I will make another of these scarves.

I started the orange and blue scarf on our hottest day of the year.  It will always remind me of the blazing sun in a cloudless sky.  I almost needed my sunglasses because the orange was so bright.  It's a bit narrower than the other two because I used up all the orange yarn.  I'm hoping there is a child somewhere who likes being "Tangoed".

The third scarf is bottle green and soft pink.  It was the only way I could think of to use up one ball of bottle green 4 ply.  This was surprisingly the most difficult scarf but only because the green yarn was unfit for purpose.  It had a couple of knots and SEVERAL breaks in the yarn.  I could understand that if someone had used it before.  But this was a new ball of wool.  How a manufacturer can produce yarn like that is beyond me.  I know someone who always rewinds new balls of wool before she uses them.  Now I know why.  Luckily, joining broken yarn in the middle of a crochet row is less of a nightmare than in the middle of a knitted row.  If I had been knitting with this yarn, I would definitely have given up and I rarely do that.  Hey ho; all's well that ends well.

These will all be packed off to a children's charity at some stage.  I just haven't decided which one yet.

The weather here is starting to cool down a little and I'm planning some knitting projects.  I think the first one will be slightly less give my poor retinas a rest!


  1. They are lovely . Cosy and cute

  2. Lovely scarves Una, its so annoying when you find breaks in the wool,or my pet hate is when it gets thicker or thinner part way through and you have to cut the thicker/thinner bit out, it seems to happen no matter what the quality of wool.


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