
Saturday 20 July 2013

When it's too hot to knit.........knit.

London seems to have been sweltering in a heatwave for a couple of weeks now.  I was planning to start a big blanket, but not in these temperatures.  I've been going through my oddments and making stripy hats.  I was surprised to see how many I made considering I thought I wouldn't be able to knit anything in this heat.  

The hats in the photo range from preemie size to 3-6 months size.  Each one takes only a few hours.  I quite enjoyed choosing which colours to use.  I made most of the hats uni-sex, though I did have to use up some pinks as well.  These hats are destined for Greenfields Africa which distributes warm clothing and blankets to babies in Kenya and Uganda.

I'm chuffed that I managed to clear all my dk oddments.  The bits that were too short for stripes have all been rolled up into one ball of variegated yarn that  weighs about 50g.  I now officially have no dk oddments left.  But once I start on my next blanket that will change.......

The pattern I used for the stripy hats is one of my favourites as it is so quick and easy.  It is here.

The pattern I used for the ribbed blue hat is another favourite as it is stretchy and will fit easily.  It is here.


  1. One thing I learned while living in Kamloops (past tense, since we moved this week!) is what makes good summer knitting. Sweaters and blankets are not on the list. You have the right idea with the hats. Socks and mittens are also good choices for hot days. Enjoy the nice weather while it lasts!

    1. Eek! I have never knitted a sock or mitten. They look far too fiddly. But I love the various sock yarns I see on blogs. I didn't actually know sock yarn existed until recently. You live and learn!!

  2. So sweet. Tiny hats are challenging for me to make. I only crochet but I have made a few for charity to give to preemies and they were really tiny.

  3. Lovely hats Una! I can't believe you have no oddments left, I don't think that has ever happened to me. I'm finding it hard to craft too when it's hot although our temperatures are not as high as yours down south, I have to keep washing my hands they are so sticky with the heat. I'm making tiny hearts with cotton at the moment. :)

    1. I was a bit premature with my oddments claim. I should have said I don't have any more pastel or white oddments. I still have some darker colours, but I'm planning to roll them up into a ball soon.

  4. Lovely hats. What a great way to use up stash. I am on sewing because it is too hot to knit. See my recent makes here

    1. I'm itching to got out my sewing machine. I found a really huge piece of lovely material for £1.49 in a charity shop. It's destined to be a tunic or summer top for me.....for a change!

  5. These look great! And well done knitting anything in a heatwave.

  6. You amaze me with the sheer volume of knitting you accomplish! I want to be you when I grow up... :-)

    1. I have more time for myself these days. I couldn't even think about knitting when I worked full time and had a young daughter.

  7. I love your work and such goodness just spreads and spreads

  8. Inspired - I decided to get cracking on some baby knits, (thanks for the links, Una) and managed to knock out a couple of baby hats this afternoon. I'll be forwarding them to the charity along with other items I plan to knit. :-)

    1. I'm happy to be an inspiration and I'm impressed at how quick you knit!!


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