
Wednesday 2 October 2013

I can breathe again....the smelly Aran wool is all used up....

Here are the hats I managed to knit with the smelly Aran wool I  blogged  about recently.  Once upon a time, someone was so in love with their Aran jumper that they unraveled the wool to use again.  It's just a pity they didn't wash it first.  I ended up with the wool in a bargain lot and recognised quality even though it was in a challenging condition. It must be my Celtic ancestry, but I was really determined to reuse this Aran wool.  

There were originally 6 hats.  Daughter wanted one of them.  She actually needs it as she travels a long distance to university and works outdoors at the weekend.  So I was happy for her to take it and secretly pleased that such a trendy young thing liked something I had knitted!!  I'm afraid the sixth hat went into the recycling bin as no amount of washing would remove the stains from the wool.  My local Council recycles fibre and fabric and turns it into insulation, so it wasn't wasted. 

The remaining hats have all been soaked and washed twice.  There is no trace of anything unpleasant and they washed exceedingly well.  The whole process was well worth it.  I posted the hats and the scarves in the photo to Operation Orphan which is an organisation that distributes warm clothing to children in many countries including Syria.  I initially intended to send these items to a UK charity but the recent news from Syria persuaded me that they are needed more there.  I can't imagine what it must be like to leave your home and worldly goods and march to another country.  I don't want to get all serious and political in what is supposed to be a knitting blog, but what human beings do to each other is unbelievable.  Rant over.


  1. Well done for using up the yarn! I know that happy feeling when a grown child actually wants something we have knit. It doesn't happen often, but when it does it makes me very happy. :-)

  2. Well done Una, I'm sure the Syrian refugee's will be very glad to receive them :)

  3. Brilliant. You will have given some comfort to someone so in need.

  4. Good for you. That's interesting about recycling the wool for insulation; I've never heard of that but I think it's a great idea.

  5. You have been busy! And for a very deserving cause too.
    M x

  6. Great idea from your council, inspired me to find out if ours do it too x
    Glad you have now finished the smelly wool but "hats" off to you for persevering - wonderful work as always xxx


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