
Sunday 15 December 2013

Cosy scarflet....

I like short scarves.  I always knit mine shorter than a pattern requires because I tend to tuck them into my coat and I don't want lots of bulk.  I recently read a posting on Linda's Crafty Corner blog all about bow knot scarves.  These are tiny scarves that cross over neatly at the neck.  My crochet skills are not (yet) up to following the pattern for the lovely crochet version and I thought the knitted version was great for a child but a little too plain for me.  So I searched on Ravelry and found this pattern for the anthro-inspired-scarflet.

I have considered carefully whether or not to include a link to the pattern.  It is full of errors and I had to read the comments left by other knitters before I could complete it to my satisfaction.  What should have been a 2 day project extended into a third day while I struggled with the second leaf which is the part of the pattern that many knitters have had problems with.  However, the fact that over 1200 people have knitted this pattern is testament to how attractive it is.  It has enough detail to be interesting and the length and width can be altered easily.  Some knitters have made it thinner and longer to drape over a blouse.  Many knitters attach buttons or a brooch to the centre piece which makes it look really pretty.  Some even put them on their dogs and cats!

I used a navy blue dk yarn and a silver grey brushed dk yarn held together.  It is very warm.  The mottled effect tends to hide the stitch pattern but will go nicely with most of my winter jackets.  I made mine just long enough to hang loosely and it even looks good worn over a jumper indoors.  I might look for a pretty button or brooch to add to the centre.  What would you do?  If I have time over Christmas, I will update my profile photo to show myself modelling it.

I have made copious notes and corrections to my printed version of the pattern.  I will definitely knit this again and next time it will take only 2 days as I have ironed out all the problems.  Using prettier yarns and different lengths makes this a very versatile scarflet.  I can see myself making more of these for myself and also to give away as gifts.


  1. Hi Una,
    Thanks for this suggestion. I’m going to try this one. I like it because it’s different than the cowls, infinity scarves or plain scarves I’ve been knitting lately.

    1. Great. Let me know if you get stuck anywhere. I made lots of notes and corrections. It's a lovely clever pattern. Just a shame about the errors. I'm definitely going to knit more of these.

  2. Well done on correcting the errors in the written pattern, it certainly was worth making as it is a beautiful little scarf xx

    1. I had a lot of help from other knitters on Ravelry. It was worth doing because it is a great pattern once the errors are sorted out.

  3. It's lovely Una it looks very neat, scarves do tend to blow all over the place, I think it would look nice with a pin or a broach then you could take it off when you wanted. :)

    1. I saw a lovely brooch and am hoping it arrives soon so I can photo it for my new Christmas profile update.

  4. I like your scarf! It's really nice and I think a sweet little pin or brooch would look good on there too.
    Marianne x

  5. I have a brooch on order. I looked at some pretty ones, but eventually a "fun" brooch won me over. I'll take a photo when it arrives.

  6. I know I have lost it, but were did you put the correction you made on the scarf. I am working on a short scarf now that I am making up as I go but would love to try this pattern but not sure if I have enough sense left to figure out the errors. Help please, Willie B

    1. Hello, Willie. I didn't put the corrected version on my blog. But I could send you a copy if you let me know your email address. Best wishes, Una.


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