
Saturday 8 February 2014

Quick and easy baby present....

I just found out that my Pilates teacher is going on maternity leave.  The whole class gave her lots of baby presents at Christmas because she wasn't sure how long she would be able to teach.  The baby girl is due next month and our teacher has finally decided she has taught her last roll down for a while!

I was literally blown home from yesterday's Pilates lesson and a trip to the shops was not an inviting prospect.  So I searched through my patterns and bags of wool.  This hat is a firm tried-and-tested favourite pattern.  It can be found here.   I knitted the six months size as I'm sure she will already have many newborn clothes.

 It knitted up in a few hours and I just used an oddment of cream yarn for the ribbing and some leftover King Cole Comfort Prints dk yarn for the rest of the hat.  I love this yarn for baby clothes and always have some of it "in stock". 

I wish I had known about this pattern when my own daughter was a baby.  It is so easy and practical.


  1. That's a very cute hat!! And it looks really simple. It's nice of you to make her one. :D

  2. It's a lovely gift Una, I'm sure your Pilates teacher will love it.:)

  3. Hi Una, just wondering whether you use dpns or magic circle for knitting in the round?
    Janet x

    1. Hello Janet, I have a very short circular needle that I use for hats. I think it is 40cms long. It was worth buying because I use it a lot. I only use dpns for the last few rows when the number of stitches drops. I've never quite understood the magic circle method!

    2. I've just been trying it out today, it's not so bad once you get the hang of it. It takes a bit longer than back and forth knitting at the moment - probably much longer than it would take to sew up a seam, but I'm sticking with it for the current puppet!

  4. What a cute, cheerful hat! I think you were smart to knit it in a six month size. Babies outgrow newborn things so quickly!

  5. Thanks for the pattern idea!! =)


  6. A very pretty baby hat and so quick to knit up too, it's great how baby makes can easily be made up at short notice from your stash xx

  7. Hi Una sorry I have been absent for a short while, work as usual dominates my life at present. What a lovely gift and how quickly you did it, I am sure that your teacher will be over the moon and new babe will be getting a lot of wear out of this lovely hat. Have a wonderful Sunday Una and thank you for your support on my blog. Sending you big hugs as always

  8. Great hat pattern - have added it to my queue!

    1. Good decision. I have knitted lots of hats from this pattern.

  9. That's a gorgeous looking baby hat Una and those yarns look so soft! Thank you for the link to the pattern :-)

  10. Thank you for your comments Una!
    You have such an interesting Blog here! Well done!
    A lot of work goes into Blogging I know! x

    1. Thank you, Sue. At least I only keep one blog going. You have double the work.....and double the fun.

  11. That is such a sweet little hat. I think it's always so much nicer to receive a handmade gift rather than a store bought one ... especially for babies. The mother will surely appreciate your beautiful make. Wendy x

  12. This hat is fantastic! I knit a similar hat for a friend, and her son wore it constantly! It made me so happy to see him in it, and it made me realize that a new mom can't have too many hats like this one!

  13. Love your hat Una and from your crochet post I do one chain in the corner I think it gives a neater finish x


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