
Monday 3 February 2014

The blanket is finished.....

Here is the blanket I have been sewing up recently for SIBOL.  As you can see, the squares are very varied and posed quite a challenge.  I brought them all up to more or less the same size and edged them with the same pastel green ....or is it blue?  It looks like a baby green to me but I think some people call it duck egg blue.  The ball of wool is actually the large one in the picture of wool at the top of my blog.  That means it is at least 18 months old but probably even older as I can't remember where this came from.  There is still a lot of it left even after edging the squares, sewing them together and edging the whole blanket.

There was one square left over and I didn't want to waste somebody's hard work.  So I added it as a little pocket for tissues, mints, or even mobile phones.  This blanket is going to an elderly persons' care home and 70 is the new 50!

I hope all the knitters and crocheters who made the squares are happy with the end result.  It was an international team effort.  The centre crochet square was sent all the way from the Netherlands.  (SIBOL welcomes completed blankets and shawls but is no longer able to accept orphan squares.)

I had never crocheted until about 2 years ago and progress has been very slow.  This blanket was a great incentive to "get on with it".  I had to learn how to add extra rows to granny squares and I now understand how they are made and wonder why I have previously made such heavy weather over it.  There is an expression about "over thinking" something and I think that is true of me and crochet.  I also added a shell edging and found it much quicker than knitting.  I will definitely use both techniques again in the future.

The photo background is a bit colourful as it is children's floor mats from the Early Learning Centre.  I use them when I am blocking and drying larger items.   They work very well as they are foam rubber and pins stick in easily.  I've just noticed the bright colours are showing through the crochet squares, which I hadn't intended.  The blanket is now safely boxed up and ready for posting, so another photo isn't possible. Daylight hours this month have been mainly gloomy and not conducive to good indoor photos.  The constant rain has made outdoor photography a distant memory. Roll on summer.


  1. You've done well to get all those squares the same size and to do such a pretty edging. I too have trouble weaning myself off knitting to crochet. I can make granny squares, though!

  2. What a lovely blanket. Well done on all your hard work in making all the squares the same size & then joining and edging themn. Some one will be very happy with the blanket, love the pocket too. Can't wait to see what's next! Vee x

  3. it's turned out so lovely Una, what a great idea to add the square as a pocket, a lovely touch. :)

  4. It looks really good, Una. I'm impressed with the way you got them all the same size. Great work.

  5. It looks lovely Una and I love the idea of the pocket.
    Sally x

  6. The blanket looks wonderful, Una! It's always so satisfying when the squares are all joined up into a very useful blanket and I know how much work goes into getting those squares to fit together! :-)

  7. I think my comment disappeared! Just wanted to say what a great job you've done joining all those squares...the blanket looks wonderful, Una!

  8. Well done Una in taking all those orphan squares and putting them together so beautifully, quite a task I would imagine. I agree that photographing indoors at this time of year is poopy! (my daughter uses this word but spell check doesn't like it haha) yes roll on Summer for me too, longer, brighter and hopefully drier days are just around the corner x

  9. What a wonderful looking blanket! Well done!!

  10. it looks lovely and what a wonderful thing to do!

  11. Hi Una I just love it, you have made such a lovely thing and you must be very proud. Thank you for sharing it with us all. Big hugs to you

  12. Great job at joining all these pretty squares! I'm sure everyone who had a hand in the project will be very pleased with the final product. I like the little pocket, and since 70 is the new 50, it's a great place for the ipod!! Rock on! Wendy x

  13. Well done, Una! I think adding the square that is to be a pocket was a brilliant idea, especially for a blanket going to a home for the elderly.

  14. This came together beautifully!

  15. Wonderful, Una! I'm glad that crocheting is coming along for you. The blanket is lovely, and I'm sure it will be enjoyed. So nice that you had squares from overseas, and brought them together into one beautiful object! Great work!


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