
Monday 24 February 2014

Vest progress report....

This is how far I have progressed with my Debbie Bliss vest.  I can't believe that I have used only 200g of yarn to knit the front and part of the back.  4 ply goes a lot further than dk yarn.  I like my jumpers to be long and this is going to be hip length rather than the waist length in the pattern.  Luckily I was given plenty of this yarn at Christmas.  I'm trying to use it up on this vest as I can't think of what else to use it for.

I haven't blocked the front yet, but the pattern up the centre and along the neck edge is visible.  The back is just stocking stitch and should knit up quickly.  Then I have to knit the arm and neck borders.  This will be interesting as the pattern uses a method that is new to me.  Instead of picking up stitches, I have to knit long strips and sew them on.  I could change that if I wanted to.  But I liked this pattern when I found it so I will stick with it.

I have other projects on the go, so I'm not rushing to finish this one.  If it is ready by the time warmer weather arrives I will be happy.


  1. Your vest is looking great! I really like 4 ply yarn, it's the weight I use most xx

  2. This is SO interesting to me! Thanks for sharing this vest project. I bought yarn to make a vest for my hubby, but I have almost no experience in this type of knitting -- making fitted clothing in panels. I'll be interested to see how the edge/openings work out!

    1. Luckily I have lots of experience of following knitting patterns. I find that if I measure myself correctly and knit the correct size, things usually work out fine. The worst thing is to guess at your size or pretend you are smaller or larger than you really are. That can lead to a lot of wasted work!

  3. You are making good progress on your vest. It will be nice to wear in that season between cold and hot weather.

  4. your vest is progressing beautifully. :]

  5. Hi Una, this vest is coming along very nicely and your knitting is so neat too. This is going to be perfect for when the weather warms up a bit, great work so far :-)

  6. It is going to be a lovely vest. I love how the braids split in front and across the neck. Beautiful!

  7. Hello lovely Una your vest is just gorgeous, can't wait to see it finished. I do love working with 4ply although it can take ages to grow the finish is always so lovely to look at and to wear. You are doing a wonderful job Una, have a fabulous week. Sending you lots of loves and hugs

  8. Looks great. The pattern is just right - not overwhelming. Looking forward to seeing the finished product. I hear you with the measuring and getting the size right. I learned that lesson on my very first sweater that I made for myself. it was huge. I still wear it around the house when I am sick and need warmth - but I wouldn't wear it outside because it is just too big.


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