
Tuesday 11 March 2014

Mission accomplished: part one....

Here are the two hats I knitted with the Rowan Summer Tweed yarn that was sent to me as a challenge by Fiona of the FC Knits blog.  I have knitted with some difficult yarns over the last 50 (!) years and this one probably scores 7/10 on the difficulty scale.  Its knobbly texture makes getting into a smooth knitting rhythm virtually impossible.  I would baulk at knitting a whole jumper with this yarn as it would probably take forever.  

BUT, it was absolutely perfect for the pattern I chose.   The cables section of the hat is best knitted slowly as counting and concentration are involved, so speed knitting is not necessary. The whole hat measures only 6 inches high in the toddler size, so it doesn't take very long.  The tweedy texture of this yarn makes the cables "pop". Though a summer weight yarn, I'm hoping that the cables and ribbing will add some extra warmth as these two hats are destined for a children's charity.

I loved this hat pattern.  The author suggests learning how to knit cables without a cable needle to save time.  I researched and learned the method but chickened out of actually using it as it involves dropping stitches and I had visions of them disappearing.  I decided it would be quicker if I used a cable needles and it was definitely a lot safer!

I have saved this pattern as I will definitely knit it again.  It comes in various sizes including "adult".  Using a more squishy Aran yarn would result in a softer, warmer hat though the cables might be less obvious.

Thanks for the yarn, Fiona.  There was just enough for 2 hats with a tiny amount left over for my bag of Aran oddments.  I have already started working on part two of your challenge.....but that's another story....


  1. They look wonderful! I love the intricate cables - they really do stand out. Thanks for sharing - I will bookmark the pattern!

  2. The hats are gorgeous! I really love that shade of purple and you're right the cables just pop. You did an amazing job with the challenge ... can't wait to hear about part II :) Wendy x

  3. What a lovely pattern Una, they are lovely, well done on completing part one of your challenge. I have managed to complete mine too with rather strange yarn :)

  4. I love the look of this hat! the cables running along the middle of the hat are so nice and I love the color purple you chose. Great work :)
    Hope you are enjoying your day

  5. Success! You did a great job, and I think the pattern you chose was perfect for the yarn.

  6. Love the hats and I actually love the look of the yarn you used (difficulty notwithstanding)! I'm going to have to try the hat!

  7. I love the look of hand knitted hats. The design is especially nice. They will keep someone toasty warm hopefully. :)

  8. oh wow I love the cabling. Lovely hats

  9. Fantastic work, Una - I'm thoroughly impressed. :) Very pleased that you've managed to salvage the yarn into something so useful. :) xx

  10. i love the colours and the style fits really well with that yarn. nice!

  11. Really nice! That cabling looks great.


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