
Saturday 10 February 2018

Another worry monster...

Here is another Worry Monster that I knitted for Knit-for-Nowt. It's about 12 inches tall, like my last one. These are used by therapists and the pocket on the front is for children to use as little post boxes for their worries. 

When I thought I had finished it, I was thrown by its very blank expression. I was worried that it didn't look worried enough (ha ha). So I decided to give it a monobrow. It was one of those magic moments when the stars align. I laid some black wool on its forehead and it just fell into exactly the right shape. I held my breath and sewed over the wool very carefully. It took no more than ten minutes (yes, I think I was a pearl diver in a former life) and I was really pleased with the result.

I hadn't heard of Worry Monsters until recently. I was amazed to discover that you can actually buy mass-produced Worry Monsters and that parents give them to their anxious children. How times have changed! I would have run a mile from one of these when I was a child.

I have one more monster to knit. This one will have stumpy little legs...when I have worked out the easiest way to add this space.


  1. Well it certainly looks worried now, great idea with the brow.

  2. They all have had some dark finish to the top. The unibrow is perfect.

  3. Well done Una it looks great, I have to admit I don't think I would have liked one of these when I was a child either, they would have scared me to death! haha have a great Sunday. :) x

  4. Wonderful and such a great idea

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. The monobrow makes him the perfect worry monster!

  6. I've enjoyed watching your work for these therapists - it must be so helpful, and I think it's nice to have these that are hand made with love. The monobrow really works!!

  7. Really cute and so nice you are working on these monsters. He does look worried now with the brow you added.

  8. HI Una, haven't popped over for ages so I have been having a little catch up. Hope you are well and not worrying yourself!


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