
Sunday 15 July 2018

Nothing much happening...

I don't have any finished items to show, so here is a photo of my latest charity shop find. It's a lovely little ceramic sheep and cost the bargain price of 99p. It usually sits on a low wall in my garden and makes me smile every time I see it. I'm intrigued by the little holes in its hands and wonder what, if anything, it used to hold in a former life. Any ideas?

While I'm on the subject of daft garden ornaments, here is a photo of some wise monkeys that found their way into my garden a couple of months ago:

After taking this photo, I heard that these monkeys don't tolerate the British weather very well. So I have now given them a good coat of yacht varnish and they look much better. I will bring them indoors for the winter months, but they are now waterproof and should shrug off most rain showers. Having said that, of course, my part of the UK hasn't had rain for about 2 months. Here is a photo I took this morning on Blackheath which is a good, healthy stroll from my house:

That is NOT a beach. It should be lush, green grass and it will be again when the rains come...usually as soon as the school holidays start!

The overpowering heat and little distractions such as the football World Cup and the Wimbledon tennis tournament have really slowed down my knitting needles. I am halfway through something that is still at the ugly duckling stage. It should be ready by the time I write my next blog post.


  1. That happy lady is knitting! Possibly watching the television at the same time. I have not taken such care of my lawn friends, and some are crumbling away. But then, so am I.

    1. Aren't we all?!! Yes, today I watched the Wimbledon tennis final and knitted 6 noses for glove puppets. I was possibly the only person in the world doing that!

    2. I am crocheting animals from "Edward's Menagerie" at the moment..Just for fun.

    3. ...and why not? Looking forward to seeing them on your blog.

  2. What! No rain in your part of Great Britain!! I thought you guys got rain all the time. :-)

    1. This is a really unusual summer. The Gulf Stream is stuck to the north of us, so we are getting weather from hot Europe instead of the cold north. We are all parched now and doing rain dances.

  3. Only a shower here on Friday in the last 17 days. my poor garden! Your sheep is cute Una - you should give him/her some needles! Jo x

    1. I might look out for something that would look like knitting needles and be waterproof. I assume it will rain again one day.

  4. June was so hot and rainy here. Now we are dry as a bone. I like that sheep -- I bet he used to be holding something cute that was lost or broken. Ah well. Keep cool over there!

    1. People are suggesting knitting needles. They could be right.

  5. I'm imagining that cute little sheep was holding a pair of knitting needles. :)

    1. Why didn't I think of that? Knitting needles make sense!

  6. It's been really dry here too. Our part of the state has a water ban too. We can't water our lawns. We have some nice brown crunchy weeds to look at. Hope you get some rain soon. The ground really needs it. I like your lamb. I like to buy odd bits at charity shops too. I'm glad you gave it a good home.
    xx Beca

    1. If I go somewhere new, I always look at the charity shops. My idea of a good day out!


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