
Saturday 21 July 2018

Two-faced puppets...

This is a knitting/crochet/sewing blog and there are enough problems in my own country. So, I wouldn't waste column inches on a political rant; or would I?

Joking apart, it was a strange coincidence that I finished these two-faced puppets this week.

There are only 3 puppets. But they have 2 faces each and collectively portray fright, sadness, confusion, anger, happiness and worry. I have just posted them off to Knit-for-Nowt from where Clare will allocate them to a therapist who works with traumatised children.

Knitting the glove puppet part was very easy. Getting the faces right took longer. The shape of the eyebrows and spacing of the eyes were key to showing different expressions. I took my time when I had no other distractions. The perfectionist in me even made me move the eyes on one of the faces before I was happy with it. But, now, I'm pleased with how they turned out.

The heat wave is carrying on relentlessly here. We were promised thunder storms yesterday and I had all my buckets out in the garden ready to catch the rain. I think I felt a butterfly spit in my eye. Apart from that, everything is still bone dry. It doesn't make holding wool very appealing; so I have nothing on my needles at the moment. But I'm sure that won't last long!


  1. You did capture the expressions perfectly. Isn't it fascinating how eyes and eye brows show those feelings?

    Has been very hot and dry here as well. We are not as hot as in Texas and other parts west from us. We did finally get rain in the past 2 days, and I'm SO thankful!

    If it helps, there are many, many of us here who are looking on in alarm at politics as well :(

    1. The rain has finally arrived here as well. But it is still quite warm and there is another long, dry spell forecast. I suppose it IS summer!

  2. These are a wonderful idea, and I'm sure they will help the children that use them.

  3. Oh, I couldn't help but notice a bit of frustration in your first few lines. Hoping that frustration isn't related to the visit by our President to your country. I can honestly say that I and many of our citizens in the USA are also frustrated in the extreme. If I have guessed wrong, ok. But apologies for any issues he may have caused.

    The hand puppets are super cute because of their faces. And the heat here is terrible as well. We either have days and days of heat and dry conditions and then we have monsoon type weather that causes terrible flash floods. A little climate change, maybe??? :-)

    1. No apologies needed. Your guess was pretty close! We have just had our first rain for about 2 months. Phew!

  4. They are lovely Una, I think you have the facial expressions spot on I'm useless at faces. I'm trying to make some sewn puppets for Clare at the moment it's a first for me and I'm going to ask my U3A sewing group if they would like to make some too. I'm finding it too hot to knit or crochet so got my sewing machine out for a change. Keep cool. :) xx

    1. Hello, Linda. Glad to hear from you. I've been missing your blog posts. The puppets faces took nearly as long as knitting the puppets!

  5. That's a neat idea Una. You make so many wonderful things for good causes. I think that's the perfectionist in us wanting to get all the details in the faces just right.
    xx Beca

    1. I can't take credit for the idea. Someone else suggested it to Knit-for-Nowt and we all received an email asking for some of these puppets. They were quite hard work, but worth it.

  6. The puppets are adorable. And I love that they have two faces.

    1. Thanks, Becki. Two faces meant twice as much work, but I'm glad I made them.

  7. Very cute puppets. I've made a few crochet

  8. .. dang.. didn't mean to hit the Publish button yet. Meant to say I've made several amigurami toys for my grandchildren. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)


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