
Sunday 7 October 2018

Picking up the needles again...

Shock! Horror! It is nearly 3 months since I posted here. My last post coincided with a record-breaking heatwave in the UK. It seemed to go on for months in London and even thinking about picking up a ball of wool was out of the question. Thankfully, the weather has returned to normal and, though still unseasonably mild, knitting is once more a possibility.

This Worry Monster is for Knit-for-Nowt, from where Clare will send it off with others to therapists who work with traumatised children. There is a long waiting list for these monsters. So, if anyone feels able to knit one, it will be very welcome. The details are on the website.

For this monster, I used a pattern that I shared here. I amended it slightly to include ears as I like all my monsters to be unique.

Well, that wasn't difficult. I was afraid I would have completely forgotten how to write a blog post. Instead, it's  like riding a bike; you never forget.

I have one more monster to knit. Watch this space...


  1. So nice to see you back. Cute monster.

  2. I rather like this fellow. Unless it's transferral--I like his mama who made him.

  3. He's superb.
    I've passed on the link to friends at a knitting group, I'm hoping they can help as quite a few support charitable projects.

  4. I love your monster Una, I have a stack of monsters and puppets to send off to Clair but I want to finish a couple off before I do. It's over 3 months since I posted too where does the time go! xx

  5. Glad to see you back. I do the same thing. I was gone for about 3 months and recently returned. I have been in a writing jag recently and have featured my knitting which I don't usually do. But I am deep in Christmas knitting so it is mostly what I am doing.

  6. He's a fun looking fellow. I love his ears. Every time I see one of your worry monsters I wish I could see the child who receives it. I imagine, given their purpose, these become good friends in time.


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