Just look at the lovely journal I won recently in a giveaway hosted by Vicki of the 2bagsfull blog. It is beautiful on the inside and on the outside with flowers and butterflies on a blue background.

Vicki gave away several different journals and amazingly chose my favourite colour. That has been blue ever since I was about four years old and had a little blue summer dress. I was so upset, incensed and incredulous when I outgrew it that my mother had to let down the hem to make it long enough to last another few months. I wish I still had that dress. I bought a very similar one when my daughter was four. At primary school I chose blue binca material for my very first sewing project. When I was fifteen and started a Saturday job, I bought a blue leather pencil case which I still have today. The first party outfit I bought for myself was a blue maxi skirt and I still wear a lot of blue. We recently had a few days away driving around Yorkshire and the Peak District. When we were on the less scenic motorways, it was always the blue cars that caught my attention. Did I mention that I like blue?!
I see a lot of giveaways being hosted by generous bloggers all over the world. I usually resist entering those that are too far away because of the postage costs. But I simply had to try to win one of these pretty journals and Vicki paid a small fortune in postage from Kentucky. We think postage is expensive in the UK, but it is even dearer in other countries! Thank you, Vicki.
So when my journal arrived yesterday, I was genuinely delighted. I will put it to good use.....maybe to record favourite books and authors.....unless I can think of something better.
Vicki's blog is well worth a visit. She crafts for pleasure and for charity and hosts annual blog parties. You won't be disappointed!
PS: here is a photo of me wearing the famous dress. This was in the early days of colour photography, so it doesn't really do justice to the lovely shade of sky blue. I am on the left squinting at the sun....which probably has a lot to blame for my poor eyesight. But that is another story!
I can actually remember this particular photo being taken. We had just moved from a very poor part of London to a slightly more leafy area. This was the local park. We are standing in front of a tennis court where I used to play into my mid-twenties. We are all dressed up, so this could even have been my birthday.