
Hello and thanks for visiting my blog. I have been knitting on and off for 50 years and I recently learned to crochet. I love looking for wool bargains and making them into something useful. I mainly knit for charity. I occasionally knit for myself and family members if I find a really good pattern or if they ask nicely!!

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Time to say goodbye....

No, not to blogging; I love it too much.  But this is about knowing when you are never going to use certain wool or yarn and being strong enough to say goodbye to it.

When I returned to knitting about 15 months ago I discovered fancy yarns for the first time.  I was amazed by them and bought a few whenever I saw them going cheap.  I even used them on a few projects.  

Little hedgehog

Angel memory squares
Angel gowns
But since then they have sat in a bag at home.  I love the end results, but don't really enjoy knitting with this type of yarn.  I hate waste and I am an avid declutterer so I put them up for auction last week.  Here they are:

Off to pastures new
This morning I posted them off to their new owner who, it turns out, really loves this type of yarn.  She is happy with her bargain and I'm happy to have a couple of pounds to spend on wool that I will actually use.  That's what I call a "win win" situation.


  1. The dresses are lovely! And you are right, knitting with these yarns can be annoying, even if they look beautiful in the end.

  2. It is so hard to accept that a certain yarn/fabric is never going to get used as long as it's in my possession. I think you did the right thing sending these off to a new home. And, now you have room for more yarn! :-D

  3. Yesterday i saw a notice on the window of my granddaughter's classroom asking for wool.What a great way for me to clear some of my stash and for it to be used in school.Some of those "funny" yarns will be going too1

  4. I'm with you! My new love is self patterning yarn, I'm trying to get rid of what I have left of fancy yarns!

  5. I have some of that eyelash yarn in my stash too, I don't think I will ever use it, but the worst is bright lime green mohair! I didn't buy it I acquired it with one of those lucky dip things Kemps do. So... if you know anyone who would like it just give me a shout haha

  6. Good idea - but I must say all your fancy-yarn projects were very successful. I was given a skein of glittery ribbon yarn for Christmas and I can't for the life of me figure out a use for it. :)

    1. I've kept hold of some glittery yarn as it might make a nice edging for something.


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